About the Clinic
Electrodermal Analysis (EDA) is known by other names such as Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA) or Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV). The principles of the therapy are the same regardless of the name that is being used to discuss the treatment. Dr. Reinhold Voll, a medical doctor born in 1909 in Germany, found it was possible to measure with a micro-ohm meter the electrical energy present at various locations of the body. By the mid-1950s Dr. Voll had dedicated his entire practice of medicine and research to the use of what he called Electro-acupuncture. By the 1970s electro-acupuncture was in use around the world as an independent therapy for evaluating and treating patients.
Dr. William Tiller, a professor from Stanford University, along with other scientists, continued to do research and publish several studies demonstrating a high degree of reproducibility as well as a positive correlation to other testing modalities. Today the testing instrument is registered through the FDA as a skin conductance meter for biofeedback assessments.
The therapy is performed by introducing a small current (micro-amps) through the body at various acupuncture meridian points, generally on the hands and feet. Information picked up by the meter is then analyzed by a computer and a report is generated. Once problems are identified, potential therapeutic options are examined. This is done by placing supplements or remedies within the patient’s electrical field and observing which items returned the Meridian to a balanced state.
More than 70% of patients in any general practice suffer from functional disturbances that cannot be identified by conventional lab work or other diagnostic tests. Functional disturbances occur when the living organism can no longer adequately compensate for changes in the environment. Environmental changes include both internal conditions of the body and external circumstances.
Ideally, it would make sense to find a disturbance early on in order to reverse the process before tissue damage can occur. Functional diagnostic tools are among the most important but are often overlooked for their potential in finding problems at an early stage. A report published by the National Institutes of Health stated:
“In clinical practice, Bio-energetic Medicine offers the possibility of more economical and more effective diagnosis and non-invasive therapies for medical problems including those considered intractable (violating the body) or recalcitrant (non-responsive) to conventional treatment.”
National Institute of Health Panel Report, January 14, 1993
At the Alpine Clinic, we have identified four general areas where EDA evaluations have proven very informative and therapeutically significant for patients. These areas include:
Comprehensive Body Analysis: a check for general imbalances throughout the body and therapies to improve the conditions found. This test takes approximately one hour.
Food and environmental sensitivities: over 150 items are tested to discover the body’s response to most common foods, pollens, plants, and human and animal irritants. This takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes.
Sensitivity Removal Technique (SRT): a systematic approach to teaching the body not to overreact to foods and environmental stimuli. This test takes approximately 20 minutes.
Quick Check: quickly check and address the more acute symptoms and find needed remedies to balance them. This test is intended to take no more than 15 minutes.
*The information on these documents available on the Alpine Clinic web site is not intended to take the place of a consultation with a licensed physician. It is strictly intended for educational purposes, and should not be used to diagnose, cure, prescribe or treat any specific disease.