Alpine Clinic Treatment Building

Weight Management Course


“I can’t believe how energetic I feel.”

“My headaches are gone.”

“I can cross my legs!”

“Even my brain is working better.”

“This was easier than I thought!”

“I feel like the REAL ME!”

These are typical comments that we often hear from our hCG weight management course participants.

Are you looking for an effective, clinically proven weight loss method? Have you tried other programs and not had lasting results? Do you want the weight to come off fast — and are you committed to changing your habits permanently? If so, then the Alpine Clinic may have the answer for you.

Dr. Supervised HCG

There is much in the way of fiction available regarding weight management by means of hCG. Subsequently, there are many approaches to the hCG weight loss protocol. Our approach is grounded in the hCG protocol pioneered by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons over 60 years ago, and we also offer coaching and support for hCG 2.0 as written by Dr. Zach LaBoube. Our course was designed and supervised by Dr. Dianne Farley-Jones and Patti Jake, the Alpine Clinic Health Coach. This 6-week course was developed to focus on basic whole food nutrition principles to provide participants with a foundation of knowledge needed to make wise lifestyle choices that aid in keeping weight off long-term. If you are interested in this approach to weight management or have ever considered it, then you need to investigate our doctor-supervised hCG weight management course.

General Course Information

Our weight management course has been recently updated for participation from any location. Each patient will schedule 2 appointments with our Health Coach, Patti Jake: one at the beginning of their protocol and one at the end. The relevant nutrition information will be provided for each participant at the beginning of the protocol.

The information provided includes basic nutritional principles, and additional support information to help you succeed long-term. We have found this model provides the highest beneficial outcome for participants. This course design has a built-in accountability component that is an important tool in helping individuals reach their weight and health goals.

We have purposefully designed our course to be a nurturing and supportive space for individuals from all walks of life, and at every stage of health improvement.


This private coaching course is open to the public. Being an existing patient at the clinic is not a requirement. It would be a very good idea, regardless of where you are normally seen for medical care, to have blood work done prior to the beginning of the hCG protocol. Sign up for the course at the front desk or call 801-407-3000. You will make an initial hCG appointment with Patti Jake, our health coach. In that appointment you will be instructed on protocol basics and best practices for your greatest success. Your beginning weight and measurements will be noted, a bio-impedance assessment will be performed, and photos will be taken, to mark the beginning of your weight loss journey.

As part of the Dr. Supervision, participants are required to participate in daily coaching texts, check-in with the clinic for weight and blood pressure at the halfway mark, (15 minute appointment), and a final appointment, as the protocol is completed, in which you will be instructed toward maintenance, further coaching, and your vital signs, measurements, and photos will be recorded.

You will be provided with access to 6 classes detailing the how to do the protocol, stress transformation, detoxification principles, macronutrients,  blood sugar management, and how to maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime.

Upcoming course dates

This course is “evergreen”, meaning that you can begin at almost any time and work the protocol into your own schedule.  

Course includes:

  • Personal coaching by our health coach Patti Jake, supervision by Dr. Dianne Farley-Jones, M.D., CNS and Dr. Steve Jones, MSN., N.P.-C
  • For new participants, 3 complimentary sessions on our Migun therapeutic massage bed
  • For new participants, 1food sensitivities screening specifically designed for your success while on the hCG program
  • Support materials available only to course participants


The cost is $499 for first-time participants. (Cost for a second family member living in the same household is $299.)

If you wish to repeat the course, the cost is $249.*

*Cost for class and coaching does not include the cost of hCG and supplies (see below).

The cost of the hCG prescription is additional to the cost of the course and is paid by participants to your chosen pharmacy. The cost of the hormone serum and injection supplies varies from pharmacy to pharmacy. 

For even more success: Dr. Dianne Farley-Jones recommends doing a cleanse prior to beginning the hCG protocol. Please visit the Alpine Clinic Dispensary or call us at 801.407.3002 for more information about the recommended cleanse kits.

Further questions? Call 801.407.3000 and select option 1.

We Want to Help!