February 6, 2022 homeopathic medicine and flowers

Top Ten Holistic Remedies

Alternatives to Western medicine can either take the place of traditional remedies, or they can be a beneficial complement. As we continue to get through winter and approach allergy season, you may find yourself seeking homeopathic remedies for what ails you.

Holistic Healing

The benefits of holistic health remedies are that they can potentially teach the body to identify a threat and kick its natural defenses into high-gear to eradicate it. Natural supplements can go a long way in lessening the symptoms you’re experiencing, or shortening the longevity of the illness. Consider giving these a try.

Top Ten Natural Remedies

As you probably know, the treatments we recommend are based on the belief that, given the right nutrients, the body will heal itself. Here’s a roundup of the most popular natural remedies you might try for common ailments.


In winter, dry skin can be a chronic concern. If you’ve tried a variety of creams without any luck, consider using calendula. The oil is extracted from marigold flowers because it naturally possesses antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory benefits. If you choose to use calendula oil, be sure to first dilute it with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba, or with a lotion or serum you already have. A good ratio for dilution is 0.5% to 1%; this translates to using three to six drops of calendula oil mixed with one ounce of carrier oil.  There are also hand creams and healing salves available at our Dispensary that contain calendula.


When you’re having trouble sleeping, it’s tempting to turn to over-the-counter remedies to help knock you out at night. The problem is that some of these have the potential to be habit-forming, which could create other long-term issues.

Chamomile is a natural alternative to other sleep aids, as it contains apigenin. This component is a flavonoid that triggers sleep receptors in the brain and, combined with modifications to your diet and lifestyle, might help you get to sleep faster. Chamomile tea or supplements are both effective at calming the mind and body when taken about 45 minutes before bedtime.


The holistic health benefits of echinacea have been touted for years. Derived from purple coneflower, if taken at the first onset of cold symptoms it has been shown to reduce the length of illness significantly. Echinacea is popular as a tea, tablet or capsule, and as a  tincture.

Elderberry Syrup

Another popular homeopathic remedy for the common cold is elderberry. When used in the form of a syrup, its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties can lessen the symptoms of the cold and the flu. It can be taken daily to boost your immune system when sick.


For upset stomachs, ginger has been a go-to remedy for decades. It’s why, traditionally, many parents let their kids sip on ginger ale when they stayed home sick. Although, taking 1,000 – 1,500mg of ginger in a more natural form throughout the day may be more effective than ginger-flavored soda, it’s not completely off the mark. For the best results in soothing nausea or motion sickness, you could try a liquid ginger root extract, or even grate some fresh ginger in tea or soup. 


Pure, unfiltered, uneated honey is a natural remedy for sore throats, and can be added to hot water or to your favorite tea. Kids will often take honey straight from a spoon, so if you’re in between doses of other cough medicines and need a little boost, it’s a great choice. With its natural, antimicrobial properties and its viscosity, honey has long been used as a way to lessen the symptoms of a cough, or post-nasal drip. Keep in mind, however, that honey should only be administered to children over the age of one.


Studies have shown that the linalyl acetate and linalool found in lavender oil act as sedatives and pain-relievers when absorbed in the bloodstream. Lavender can be used topically, diffused, or taken orally in a capsule or tea form. Like with any essential oil, if using it on the skin you should first dilute it with a carrier oil (in an equal parts ratio).


Magnesium is used for a variety of reasons- better sleep, better digestion, and better mood are just a few. You can find it in many foods, but it can also be applied topically or taken orally. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include fatigue, muscle cramps or numbness, nausea, irregular heartbeat, and mental disorders, among others.


Whether you’re getting good gut bacteria from yogurt, kombucha, fermented foods like sauerkraut, or supplements, probiotics are an excellent remedy for digestive issues. Whether using probiotics routinely as a preventative, or after a round of antibiotics or illness, they’re essential to restoring gut health with the right balance of bacteria and yeast.

Omega 3 fatty acids

These essential fatty acids, (which means that they must be consumed because the body cannot make them) found in generous amount in fish oil, are needed for many basic bodily functions, including cognition and relief from depression and anxiety.  Other benefits include heart health, eye health, improvement in focus and attention, powerful anti-inflammatory, bone and joint health, and relief of PMS symptoms.  It’s important, however to choose your Omega supplements very carefully, as fish oil is known to be extremely toxic and careful purification of the product is paramount.

These and many other high-quality supplements are found in the Alpine Clinic Dispensary.  Please feel free to contact us at 801-407-3002 with questions or pop in for a visit.  We want to show you our amazing nutritional supplements and health products.