There’s nothing wrong with being mindful of what you eat, but sometimes a diet can take things too far. Traditional diets focus on eliminating certain food groups, which can create an unhealthy mindset regarding food. A More Holistic Approach to Weight Management At Alpine Clinic, we see nourishment as a part of the equation for […]
Top Ten Holistic Remedies
Alternatives to Western medicine can either take the place of traditional remedies, or they can be a beneficial complement. As we continue to get through winter and approach allergy season, you may find yourself seeking homeopathic remedies for what ails you. Holistic Healing The benefits of holistic health remedies are that they can potentially teach […]
The Advantage of Guided Recovery
The process of recovery is a lot like being asked to drive down a road you’ve never been to a place you’ve forgotten how to get to — life can feel sufficiently upside-down as routines are established, habits are reforged, medication is tried, and attitudes undergo readjustment. If you were to find yourself on such […]
Hormones and the Mechanics of Feeling
Though not everyone is a parent, who wishes to live vicariously through their children and experience the highs and lows of teenage life all over again, each of us remember what it was like to be one. We remember the vast expanse of feeling that would separate the mood we woke up with and the […]